Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Falwell's followers

Yes, yes. I know. It's Wednesday so why am I posting?

Maybe you've read about Jerry Falwell ranting against the Christian Alliance for Progress. If not, it's pretty standard stuff. But the truly enjoyable part for me was reading the comments from his followers. My favorites are:

You are preaching aposticy [sic] Cedar Falls, IA You are preaching aposticy [sic]. You cannot claim Christianity. You are lying to people and even if you gain in this world, you lose eternity which is for everyone who accepts Jesus as the one and only way to redemption. I will pray you find your way for you are truely [sic] lost. What really matters in this world is Jesus and not politics.

Especially when your politics don't agree with the religious right.

Homos [both sic and a sick word] are disgusting Jacksonville, FL You cannot be labled [sic] "Christian" if promote gay rights. Romans 1:26-30 states that homos are the only buncg [sic] that God ever gave up on. Homos are disgusting, God even called them an "Abomination."

Why is it that these people always know how to spell abomination even if they misspell everything else and cannot form a coherent sentence?

I'll stop now. The rest are just as fun. Trust me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Something that often seems to sneak past these quoters of Romans 1 is the rest of the list of sins. Evil, greed and depravity, envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice, gossip, slander, God-hating, insolence, arrogance and boastfulness, inventing ways of doing evil, disobedience to parents, senselessness, faithlessness, heartlessness and ruthlessness. But the main sin on their part, is to hide the fact that Paul was talking about certain Pagan worship practices that just happen to include orgiastic sex, and such, in their worship to idols.

When people purposely leave out parts of the argument that might nullify their argument if included, I stop trusting their word—if I ever trusted it before. The most sickening part to me, however, is that it's really all about power and not about God. This, I find most detestable.


7:45 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

I think power and the desire for it is swiftly becoming one of my major causes for worry. And I'm certainly not immune to the pursuit of power as you can see from today's post.

I fear power drives a lot of the behavior we are concerned with.

8:47 PM  

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