Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Kind words

Recently I have been fortunate enough to have some kind words mentioned about my Humble Blog. Ken at PopeHat gave me a nice write up in his blog. Ken posts frequently at Octopus Overlords in addition to PopeHat and appears to be a generally nice guy for an attorney! Thanks for the kind words!

I was also very fortunate to have Bob at I am a Christian Too write some nice things about me. I found I am a Christian Too one night and read through most of his posts in one sitting. I'd finally found someone struggling with similar dissatisfactions and aspirations. I began my Disambiguation blog later that night. And that's a good thing because if you were one of the two people who read my original blog you would have been treated to seven posts over seven months about my desire to lose weight while gorging myself on Klondike Bars. So thanks to Bob for the kick in the right direction. And I still love me some Klondike Bars.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'd like to syndicate your blog on my site at faithCommons but I can't find a syndication link.

If you consider adding RSS syndication to your blog, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know.


7:44 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

Thanks Bill. I think I have RSS up and running. I'm pretty new to this so let me know if it's not working.


6:03 AM  

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